Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I'm so damn pissed off right now...

I have a really good rant brewing, but since it's Wednesday and my cleaning lady is coming over this morning I'll leave it for tomorrow... I have to get out of the house for a while and let her do her thing and I have to go blow off some steam...

I'll vent about it here tomorrow...

But I'll tell you I haven't been this pissed of in a long, long time.

I'm about to become unhinged type of angry...

No, I'm not in any trouble or anything... Just some bullshit at work I'll explain more about tomorrow... The more I think about it right now the more my blood begins to boil... You think you're helping someone but all you get is grief.

More tomorrow.

Copyright 2010 Thomas J Wolfenden


Spiky Zora Jones said...

They have to learn to be afraid of when I walk the hallways, they walk as close to the wall as possible keeping a safe distance from me.

You have to use key words. You have to use gangsta lingo. Like 'get the guns and hide the loot. We'll bury the body later. tell Clamensa to get take care of it.'


Seriously...stay in your own bubble at work and keeep others out of your bubble. If everyone does that then it will be a smooth running machine. I usually tell people who are in my business at work...'get out of my bubble.'

Hope work is better.
ciao sweets.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Spiky: I don't need to put on any airs to make people afraid of me...

The "Ranger" tab in the back window of my car is all the advertisement I need.

If they just don't get that through their thick skulls, that's on them.



Nothing like office politics to ruin your day.Next time just run the s.o.b over[like in those old train films but where they do not get rescued at the last minute].

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Uber: So true, and what makes it even more frustrating is that the job isn't all that hard, and we're paid an obscene amount of money to do it... And believe me I'd like to un over a few of the whiny assholes with my train!