Saturday, July 15, 2006

Well I'll be...

...Dipped in dogshit!
Earlier this week we finshed up the work we were doing in between milepost 28 and 51 and track travelled back over to Belington to tie up in that yard.
So Tuesday morning Jimmy and myself were waiting for a fuel delivery and the track inspector comes over to talk with us. It was then he said something that shocked me into silence. You could have knocked me over with a feather when he told us:
"The president of the railroad and I took a highrail ride up to see what you guys were doing at High Bridge and the falls... ____ was tickled-pink with how it's turned out... You guys are doing the best job tamping and regulating we've ever seen... He couldn't be happier with the way it's turned out..."
And no matter how well Jimmy tamps and aligns the track, it's going to be me in the regulator making it look pretty...
There's a wry and bitter irony in this statement I can't really tell right now... But I will soon... But you all know how I love irony...
Copyright 2006 Thomas J Wolfenden


cmk said...

Those 'atta-boys' don't come often enough, but they sure are nice to hear when they ARE said, hey? Hope that made your day! Keep on keeping on. :)

bevy said...

Hey, at least it's good to know your hard work isn't going unnoticed.

tsduff said...

It's hard to get one of those zen moments where the powers the be actually notice that you are putting forth some effort. I'm glad for you.