Monday, January 30, 2006


First it was Godzilla, then Rodan... Followed by Mothra and a slew of other creature mutants attacking Japan because of radiation from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

Now Japan is being assaulted by giant jellyfish... Go here:

The Japanese, being quite resilient, will most likely make it into another multi-billion dollar franchise fad like manga comics or pokemon, put high-tech electronics, a Hi-Def plasma screen and surround-sound speakers and create a whole new 'must have' for next Christmas...

Or sushi chefs will make it into some gourmet meal and charge 50,000 Yen a plate in Tokyo restaurants.

I don't know about you, but I like sea food, but I prefer mine cooked. Where I come from I call what they serve bait.
But it's really George Bush's fault for not signing onto the Kyoto Treaty.

Copyright 2006 Thomas J Wolfenden


Katie said...

I liked Japanese food be4 i read this! LOL

Courtney O. said...

CREEPY! A sumo-wrestler-sized jelly fish??? That's off...

Sherri Sanders said...

It's a toss up between being grossed out by the looks of that thing or creeped out at how big it is. Yikes!

Lindsey said...

I read about this the other day...isn't it crazy?

Lisa said...

Japanese food.... Yummmy. I had a mother who was a horrible, horrible cook. The result? I'll eat pretty much anything as an adult. I'd probably eat that stuff too. heehee