Monday, December 05, 2005

I've become a slave

To the "snooze" button.
And I really don't know how it happened. It started about ten years ago I reckon, but I don't know why. I used to be able to jump up and hit the day running at the first hint of the alarm clock going off, but as I get older I find myself unable to force myself out of bed most days even though I've had more than enough sleep. I find myself setting the clock earlier and earlier, just to give me more 'snooze' minutes.
I had two "oh shit!" moments in the last week and they're becoming more frequent. I must have hit the wrong button on my alarm clock on one for the snoozes and changed the time. I have to be at work at 10 PM, so when I looked at the time through sleep-fogged eyes and saw the red LED readout clearly enough to decipher "10:15" I jumped out of bed to double check with my clock in my kitchen.
It was only 9:15. Plenty of time to get ready for work, seeing as it only takes me around two minutes to walk to the office.
But I hate doing that. I hate the rushing and fumbling. I prefer to wake up and work myself into the day with a few cups of coffee and the news. A long leisurely hot shower...
But it's not to be anymore.
I'm also finding myself tired all the time too... My dad used to jokingly refer to it as "Iron Immune deficiency Syndrome", That's where the iron in your blood turns to lead in your ass. He also complained of "Tight Skin", where every time you sit down your eyes close.
I also nodded off the other night at work too, which I never do. It wasn't a full-blown sleep, just nodded off for a few minutes.
Within minutes of getting home from work my dad would be sound asleep on the couch. Never even made it past page 2 of the paper.
So, as I get older I'm becoming more and more like my dad. But he was never a slave to the snooze button like I've become. But today I'm going to try to break the chains that shackle me. I've moved my alarm clock to the dresser on the far side of my bedroom. That way I have to get up to shut it off.
Wish me luck!
Copyright 2005 Thomas J Wolfenden


Courtney O. said...

Jeez - I'm only 25 and I've been a slave to the snooze button for at least 10 years. I have to feel the urgency of almost being late to work to finally force myself out of bed each and every morning!!!

Katie said...

I was like that when i was in school. I could never make myself get up...but when i had to work i always jumped up and had time to do what ever....the only thing about me was that i had to be there at 6am and every one knew not to talk to me till at lest 6:30 or 7am.

i wish you the best of luck!!!!!!

Lisa said...

If you find yourself getting more and more tired, and you are gaining weight, it could be your thyroid. And you may need to get it tested. Just a thought...

Dirk said...

I didn't even have an alarm clock until I was in my thirties. Rarely use the snooze button either, I'm too scared I'll turn it off completely.
Don't move the alarm so far that it isn't loud enough to wake you up.

berly02 said...

I'm not a slave to the snooze button cause my roommate told me once how if you get up when you first wake up, then you will have more energy.
Don't know if it is true.

Anonymous said...

same thing has been happening to me, too lately. Huh.
I finally had to trick myself out and set the alarm clock 20 minutes fast--even that fails me since I know its fast, I calculate that in the number of times I hit the snooze.

JenJen said...

Waking up to an alarm will always suck.

I wish there was a way around it...

bevy said...

I would say the reason you're having trouble getting out of bed is 'cause there's nothing to motivate you or offer you an incentive. But that's just me.